Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let the coffee be on you

One of the most frequently asked questions we hear is, “What are top producers doing that I am not?” Often it is nothing revolutionary, but simply a consistent track to run on and maybe 1 or 2 unique approaches that separate them from their competition. Today, I would like to share a unique concept that was given to me by one of my elite producers. He started a small monthly gathering that paid off big in the end. He called it “coffee hour.”

He was looking for a way to increase his referral business - as all producers are - so he decided to schedule a coffee hour in his office on the first Friday of every month. It was nothing fancy; simply coffee, doughnuts, and a guest speaker. Being in the financial services industry, most of us would assume that he would feature guests who would speak about finances, but by contrast he chose topics that were of interest to the people he was trying to attract, many times having nothing to do with finances or investments. For instance, he brought in a guest speaker from a local greenhouse in March to talk about gardening and planting, a hobby many seniors thoroughly enjoy. In the summer he would invite a representative from a travel agency to come and offer vacation deals to escape the summer heat. In the fall, his coffee hour featured a local construction professional who would discuss how to winterize a home for the cold days ahead.

Needless to say, the response to these meetings was incredibly positive and the attendance grew exponentially over time. Plus, he was able to do all of it with very little overhead. The guest speakers were happy to come and speak with an audience of potential new clients about their services and, in turn, would happily refer people back to this producer. I have always found this to be one of the most simple, inexpensive, and productive ways to keep strong bonds with current clients and invite new referrals into your office. If you are looking for something new and different to enhance your business in 2012, let the coffee be on you.

Remember to call me anytime with questions or for help with anything at all. Thank you for your business. It’s been a fantastic start to the year!

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