Monday, February 6, 2012

Social Security Solutions

In 2011, nearly 55 million American will receive $727 billion in SS benefits. The average monthly benefit for retired workers is roughly $1,175 per month. Most of these people don't realize their monthly income could have been substantially higher if they delayed beginning their SS even by one year.

This system will help illustrate the fundamentals of income planning, allowing your client to put together a holistic income plan while taking into consideration the decisions that must be made and the tough questions that need answered. This system closely examines the 5 key areas of Social Security:

Now vs. Later Analysis: The BIG question everyone is asking, “When should I start taking Social Security?” Illustrates the difference between taking Social Security benefits now versus later.

Spousal Options: Find out the best way to get money for your spouse and how to maximize your benefit together.

Impact of Working in Retirement: More and more Americans age 65 and older are still working in traditional retirement years. How will working in retirement affect Social Security benefits?

Taxation of Benefits: “Do I have enough to pay taxes on my Social Security benefit?” And, “Is there any way to pay less tax?”

Solving the Income Gap: You know how much you want to live on. You know how much you have. We find out how to bridge the gap.

By truly understanding Social Security and all the options available, you can help your client make better decisions for their family. Even if they have started taking social security, there are some concepts that you may be able to implement to make their retirement more financially comfortable. Even if your client plans to take the plunge on their 62nd birthday (about half of workers do), they owe it to themselves and their spouse to learn about Social Security and how to get the most out of it.

Call me to schedule a 30 minute appointment so that I can walk you through how this platform works.

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